Application feedback during boot
Splash screen added at start-up to indicate that the application is loading.
Speaker groups are named and numbered.
Speaker groups having names makes the relation between menu option and group affected clearer when saving and loading target curves.
Difficult to see text files containing saved target curves
The Load Target Curve dialogue now shows .txt files by default alongside those with .targetcurve extension.
Enabling a filter from the sidebarThe filter section of the sidebar has been redesigned with less ambiguous icons.
Improved filter export step
The filter export interface has been made more instructive and is clear about that a slot must be selected before exporting to the device.
Application handles the situation of loading a project saved under a different configuration and displays an error.
Fixed readability issue with the Hertz limits in Filter Design were difficult to see for certain colours.
The headers in Filter Design’s options box are more readable.
The warning message about missing microphone when loading a project is no longer an error dialogue.
Filter is now automatically recalculated after loading a target curve.
Multiple confirmations for the same microphone has been joined to only one message.
Crash when removing mic in loaded project and using the arrows to go back to previous application steps fixed.
Fix for Qt bug where macOS version of program crashes on start.
Fixed issue where a blank space before or after username made it impossible to log in.
Fixed issue with pink noise continued playing when proceeding from Volume Calibration to Select Arrangement without pressing stop